Glowria Beauty Box by Aufeminin
Innovative, authentic, trendy and committed, Glowria is an adaptation of the famous Beautiful Box by Aufeminin whose success has never been denied. Even today, the concept intrigues more than 50,000 subscribers every month, making this beauty box one of the market leaders.
Glowria is for made for confident, outspoken young woman who we love to hear about. She is curious and up to date, aware of all the latest fashion and beauty trends, every month she selects the products that she loves and recommends. The Glowria beauty box will accompany her in all her beauty routines to make her gain security and trust with respect and diversity.
From January 2021, Glowria has been delivered in France and Italy to thousands of subscribers, eager to discover the latest beauty news. Inside, one can find sales format products, more exciting and durable than samples, selected by well-known brands or those acquiring a good reputation on the market.
Several times a year, Glowria is also available in box events. Limited editions are often available on the Store, celebrating some of the year’s highlights or simply made to surprise its customers.