C.P. Company 50 Chapter 1 — Lucio Dalla
Lucio Dalla, a brilliant and eclectic artist, world famous songwriter, composer and musician, but also an actor and director and a lover of art, cinema and photography who has been fascinated by poetry. An extravagant Bolognese, in love with his city he has enriched the world with the melodies and the poetics of his stories. He belonged to a genre of Italian composers knows as “cantautori”, whose lyrics gave voice to the aspiration and frustration of a post-war generation, seeking societal changes.

The story of Lucio Dalla and C.P. Company, is a story of friendship: Lucio and Massimo Osti were a part of the Bologna cultural environment of the Seventies: at that time, Bologna was the centre of Italian culture, in great turmoil with artists, designers, philosophers, singers and poets discussing about the changes that the modern world was facing. A friendship based on mutual respect that they had of the creative genius of the other and that often led the two of them collaborating on several projects: Massimo designing album covers for Lucio and Lucio wearing custom made C.P. Company garments on stage.

To celebrate its 50th Anniversary, C.P. Company dedicates the first chapter of it’s anniversary series to celebrate unique relationship between Massimo Osti and Lucio Dalla with a collection consisting 5 shirt sleeve and one long sleeve t-shirts, featuring original archive graphics, pictures and new artworks to pay homage to the great Italian artists, C.P. Company and Fondazione Lucio Dalla have relaized an artist’s residency with students coming from NABA (Milan) and DAMS (Bologna), a magic place that recounts the artist’s career and passion, through his life.

During the artist’s resident it has been created and documented to illustrate Massimo Osti and Lucio Dalla relationship: not only friendship, but also a shared vision: both personalities were great innovators led by curiosity and with an eye always towards the future. The narration of this relationship is given custody of friends and personalities who lived those years of great cultural ferment in Bologna and clips of Massimo Osti and Fondazione Lucio Dalla archives.
The exclusive capsule collection will be available on 50.cpcompany.com and in all C.P. Company flagship stores in Milan, Amsterdam, London, Seoul and Tokyo on March 4, 2021 Dalla’s date of birth which also became the title of his first hits, in 1917. The documentary will be launched on the same day in a full celebration of Lucio’s birthday and will be available on C.P. Company Cinquanta website in addition to official social media channels.